Sunday, February 27, 2011

This American Life: Superpowers

If I could have a superpower, I would choose the power of speed.

It seems like a cool but reasonable superpower, one that I could get some use out of but that wouldn't be needlessly complicated.  I've always liked running as an exercise; this seems like a logical extension of that.  To able to move very quickly, in effect, is like being able to slow down time, in that everyone would be moving in "slow motion" around you.

If I had this power, certainly I'd use it to sleep in as long as physically possible.  I could sleep till 3:09, wake up, and make it to class by 3:10 using my super speed.  Assuming my powers translated to other actions besides simply running, I could complete all of my chores/homework in virtually no time, which would certainly be nice.  And of course, I'd be unstoppable in almost every sport.  Soccer?  No chance.  Basketball?  Forget about it.  I would be the best there ever was, and - assuming I was allowed to play competitively in the first place - I would mist likely shatter all speed-based records and maintain them until the end of time.  That would be pretty cool.

As far as the Flash specifically, I dig his power, but I'm not a fan of the costume.  It seems like he's drawing attention to himself with his garish spandex uniform, which may be the point, considering he's a hero.  I personally would prefer to remain normal-looking, and only use my powers for everyday situations.  I wouldn't want the pressure or responsibility that comes with being a famous superhero.  It almost seems like that would suck the fun out of the whole thing.

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